Sunday, January 22, 2012

I think this piece by, Maurizio Cattelan is talking about the world we live in.  I think this is about karma and how we as people are ignorant and do terrible things like fight and kill and war for no reason and this is trying to say that it will come back at us. This piece tells me that we are doing bad as people and we need to fix this now or else things will only get worse. It is trying to say that the world is ugly.

The Reason I think that this piece is about how this is an ugly world is because of the main part, the thumb, it is pointing downwards showing a bad job. I also notice how in the bottom the buildings are on fire, I think that shows all the damage we do to each other, it is equal to flames that just grow and grow. When you put the downwards thumb and the fire it made me think of karma how we do so many bad things and this thumbs down gave us all this fire and punishment, it is trying to say that we pay for what we have done to others.

I think the way this speaks to the world is again that we will pay for what we have done in out lives. I also think that we can turn things around in the world and maybe things can be better, knowing that nothing is perfect doesn't mean we can't try our best. The world is too ignorant to see that the world is crumbling and the only way to turn it around it to face fears, and just be a better person. Who knows? something as simple as holding a door open can lead you some where.


  1. Good job Bashir I like you used your opinions to think about how this relates to karma and how it is showing a bad job. Nice job, Bashir

  2. I do agree with you. The thumbs down in my opinion is showing an opinion towards the burning buildings in the painters mind. He is showing that the world is too hard and ugly, like you said.

    Great job with this blog post, Bashir. I love how you put in your own opinions. You did a good job inferring what the theme in this painting is about.

  3. I agree with you and Cassidy. I feel like the thumb ( whihc is the biggest thing in the painting) is showing how the painter feels about those burning buildings. Like, oh you did horrible in life, i give you a thumbs down and you need to start life over to get it right. Great job Bashir! Really nice thinking and i like your opinion!
