Thursday, June 7, 2012

Solutions To Every Problem

In my book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, as I was reading the book i found that Amir has had many mistakes in his life. Amir also knew that he had to redeem him self so that he could come of age. Amir had to take responsibility for his actions and do what ever he could to redeem his mistakes not for his sake but for his old friend Hassan. Amir showed me what having a solution to every problem means. Amir had his problems and found his solution and ended up happy with Hassan's son. For Amir to do all of that he had to have courage, and stamina. he had to push through all his problems to reach happiness and that is what coming of age is really about.

One of Amir's obstacles was Assef, a boy that bullied Amir and Hassan as children. Assef had Hassan's child with him and Amir had to fight Assef to get Hassan's child to safety. As a child Amir was scared, he never confronted Assef. Hassan was always there to take care of Amir and that's why Amir knew he had to fight Assef. To save Hassans child and to prove to him self that he is not the little snail hiding in his shell. When Hassan was fighting Assef there was a point where Assef what beating him so bad that Amir started laughing. I was confused why he was laughing until he said that this moment was what Amir was waiting for. Amir wanted the experience of fighting his own fights. If Amir didn't have anything to prove to him self of people he cared about and wanted to take care of he would have never fought Assef. I've heard someone say that when you care about someone a lot you will do anything you can to take care of them. And that's exactly what Amir did, he did anything he can to repay Hassan for having his back all the time, he did everything he could to save Hassans son. Amir found his solution to his problem.

Another one of Amir's obstacles was after he retrieved Sohrab from Assef. Now that he had Sohrab what was he going to do? Sohrab is very quiet around Amir but he knows everything about Amir. Hassan told his son about all his adventures with Amir and their friendship and childhood. Amir knew that he had to bond with Sohrab in a way that Sohrab would be like his son. I remember Amir said that he felt a bond with Sohrab kind of like he had with Hassan. Amir always says that in Afghanistan if you were fed through the same breast you and the other person grow a brotherly bond to each other. Amir felt a bond to Sohrab as Hassans friend. Amir had actual feelings towards Sohrab as a son, not as some kid he had to get his butt kicked for but an actual son. Amir took care of him like a son. Even though it took Amir a few tries to break through Sohrab's shock of what happened it worked. Sohrab got used to Amir and became like a son to him. Again Amir had his problem and found a solution to his problem.

In conclusion, Amir knew what his obstacles and problems were and thought them through and found his solutions to fix them. Amir truly represents what it means to find a solution to problems. It may take many tries, or a lot of courage, and strength, and time to fix your problems but in the end it is all worth it. Not only do you get through your issues but you may look back and see how much hard work you have done and see that you have done something that you may have never been able to do without effort. This applies to everybody, everyone has problems including me being 14. After reading this book I know that there is always a solution to every problem, it just takes hard work.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Growing Up With Knowledge and Experience

In the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, the main character Amir has issues with his true self. Amir doesn't know who he is to himself or to others. Amir always tries to impress his dad and earn his fathers love over Hassan. Speaking of Hassan Amir doesn't know weather or not they are friends. Amir realizes who he is only through experience and knowledge. Maybe that's what people need, change through knowledge and experience.

For example, Amir doesn't realize Hassan's worth to him as a friend. Amir frames Hassan for theft of money and a watch. When he tells his father, Hassan and his father Ali decide they want to move away. Amir doesn't realize Hassan is Amir's biggest friend until Hassan goes away. "If this were one of the Hindi movies Hassan and I used to watch this was the part where I'd  run outside, my bare feet  splashing rainwater. I'd chase the car, screaming for it to stop. I'd pull Hassan out of the back seat and tell him I was sorry," p. 108-109. This shows how Amir only realized Hassan was more than a servant but more of a friend, the friend he never had. This shows how Amir grew up through experience.

An example of how Amir changes through knowledge is when Rahim tells Amir everything about Hassan and what happened while Amir was gone.Rahim tells Amir that Ali was not Hassan's father. A solider had sex with Hassan's first mother who ran away because she had a band. That's why Amir's dad liked Hassan so much. Because he felt so bad about Hassan's past and how Hassan doesn't know about it. Amir at this point is extremely sorry for thinking his dad loved Hassan more than him. Amir feels stupid for sending Hassan away because he was jealous.

In conclusion, Amir grows up through Knowledge and experience. I think experience and Knowledge is the best way to grow up. It is a hands on process that can put a toll on you but in the end you learn a lot. Coming of age is all about knowing how to deal with issues and the only way to do that is to have experience. Other wise you will never know how to handle things maturely.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet

I found the movie "Romeo and Juliet" directed by Baz Luhrman very interesting in the way he used lights to show different meaning. His use of color and the tone set great detail and when noticed make you think deeper into whats going on. His successful use of these lights help the movie not only look good but encourage the audience to think more.

For example in the opening title when the characters are introduced, Juliet's father Capulet is in a very dark blue coloring and this shows a very royal dark feel to his character. And when the character Mercutio was introduced he had very warm orange and yellow lights and it shows his personality that he is a fiery person and very energetic and might play an important role. And when Romeo is found sad on the beach the soft lighrs show his emotion. These lights on the character match them and tell the audience what kind of person he or she is.

Another example is how light is used to show when an important event is happening or is going to happen. For example when Tybalt finds Romeo and is going to fight him the light  and color turns red and orange and yellow and this shows danger and extreme action. And when Mercutio died the color started turning grey and dark and sad and helps you feel sympathetic to the characters. And when Tybalt is shot the color turns the dark blue like when Capulet was introduced and I think that shows the meaning of someone of high royalty has died or just death.

Lastly color is used to show difference between Montagues and the Capulets. I saw this in the gas station scene when you could see the two car colors, the Montague car was orange and the Capulets was blue. I thought this shows the personality of both sides. Montague seems like the fun heart warming type by the color they are portrait by. I also thought Capulets were the more dark, royal, and mean kind of group by the darker and blue colors and lights used to portrait them and the characters like Tybalt.

In conclusion light played a big role in the movie of how people pay attention to the characters, mood, theme, and whats going on and helps viewers stay with the story and feel sympathetic to the characters.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I think this piece by, Maurizio Cattelan is talking about the world we live in.  I think this is about karma and how we as people are ignorant and do terrible things like fight and kill and war for no reason and this is trying to say that it will come back at us. This piece tells me that we are doing bad as people and we need to fix this now or else things will only get worse. It is trying to say that the world is ugly.

The Reason I think that this piece is about how this is an ugly world is because of the main part, the thumb, it is pointing downwards showing a bad job. I also notice how in the bottom the buildings are on fire, I think that shows all the damage we do to each other, it is equal to flames that just grow and grow. When you put the downwards thumb and the fire it made me think of karma how we do so many bad things and this thumbs down gave us all this fire and punishment, it is trying to say that we pay for what we have done to others.

I think the way this speaks to the world is again that we will pay for what we have done in out lives. I also think that we can turn things around in the world and maybe things can be better, knowing that nothing is perfect doesn't mean we can't try our best. The world is too ignorant to see that the world is crumbling and the only way to turn it around it to face fears, and just be a better person. Who knows? something as simple as holding a door open can lead you some where.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Star Blogger RIght here!

Cassidy Mcallister is a great blogger in my eyes. I notice when he blogs he stays on one topic a lot of the time and if he does move to another it is closely related to the first idea. I also think when he brings evidence from the book to back up his thought. I also noticed that he ties his ideas to the world. I think I can make my blogs better by taking shape of Cassidy's blog because it is well crafted with time put in and you can tell from the quality of the work. I Think I will compare my blogs with his and see if they are as good. Cassidy is an amazing blogger over all from his use of evidence, focus, and connection. And that is why Cassidy Mcallister is a great blogger.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Taking A Persons Body? Good Idea?

I'm reading a book Called Repossessed by A.M. Jenkins. This book is about a devil who got tired of his job and took control of a body from a boy named Shaun. The devil took control because he wanted to see what it's like in a human body. While he is in Shaun's body, his cat hisses at him but didn't before and now the devil thinks the cat knows. Shaun's family is also getting suspicious and noticing that Shaun is changing in ways they didn't expect. Later the devil starts to think about what could possibly happen if he would get in trouble.

I agree with the fact that "Shaun" is going to get in trouble because of the devils curiosity. I think "Shaun" is going to do something stupid that will make everyone say that he isn't Shaun. Another idea I have is that maybe somehow the cat will make people see that it's not Shaun. But what will people do when they find out? What will the devil inside do? Will his parents take action and get him exorcised? is the devil going to go back to hell and hope no one notices? The devil has only gotten his self into more and more trouble with his curiosity.

All over all I think that the devil will get Shaun in trouble and his self if he does anything stupid or dangerous. I also think that the devil is devious enough to get his way out of trouble and fix everything.

This shows how curiosity can lead to good observations and later things that will be interesting to you. But on the other hand there is the fact that there is a responsibility and a consequence if you get in trouble. That's why if you decide to do something important that you need to take the responsibility of not getting your self in trouble.